- We have not yet been let out of our Gold's Gym contract. Not that we haven't tried!! We've followed every channel that we were told to... to no avail. Not even any correspondance! So, the next step is going to have to involve talking at a volume considered annoying at the counter at Gold's until they let us out of our contract.
- I do have a new 20-week ultrasound!! But it's not a boy... so we're just going to have to wait to see if she's a tomboy... Hannah Ray.
I know it's kind of country sounding but I just know it fits. Hannah is my sister's choice for a name and Ray comes from my brother-in-law's grandmother. This woman was amazing - she was the first female sheriff for the county that my brother-in-law grew up in. I met her a couple of times - and she was such an incredible person. This woman knew which battles to fight and which ones to let slide by. I'm always in awe of those who have figured this out.
- No new accounting person yet BUT we do have 2 interviews this week. I'm just going to have to wait and see... I hate this part.
- Getting my hair done every morning in 25 minutes. Which, even though it is under 30 minutes, doesn't feel like much of an accomplishment. Guess I need to be more specific.
To my dear Hannah Ray - I hope you pick up those awesome qualities from your great-grandmother!! But in case you are ruled by your sign (Cancer - due date July 8th) you have the potential for a lifetime on an emotional rollercoaster. I know all about it (birthday: July 20th) and I am getting a handle on these things called "feelings". I think I can help. Don't ever count me out.
I love you already and I can't wait to meet you!