23 May 2007

Jules needs to write another post is what Jules needs...

Okay, so I was over at Friend Carmen's blog and I saw this cool idea I thought I'd get in on... Go to Google and type in your first name and then the word "needs" after it and see what comes up. My very first thought of course, is that what I need to do is put up another post at my unread, virgin blog....

{{AND WHEN I LOG IN THERE ARE 2 COMMENTS FROM PEOPLE I DON'T EVEN KNOW!!!! Whoa, either the word's getting out there about this totally awesome web log or my posts and their labels are just so incredibly thought provoking that people are actually out there looking for my mind's diarrhea, a.k.a. - posts.}}

So anyway, since I've got 2 names that I'm called on a regular basis (not ugly name-calling names) I thought I'd Google what each name needs:


1) Meet Julie Who Needs An Early Start. (**ping** - that was a hammer hitting a nail on the head)

2) Julie Needs Your Help! (But the list is too long to get into here.... maybe next post)

3) Julie needs to work on her parenting. (This is one of the reasons I have not birthed any children yet.)

4) Julie needs a new pair of Shoes.... (I cannot think of a truer statement!)

5) Julie needs to get out in the fresh Eire more. (I don't think I could get out into it any more than I am - as long as Eire means air.)

6) Julie needs a(nother) new home. (I think my boyfriend wrote this one after our figurative knock-down, drag-out last weekend.)


1) Jules needs a hug. (especially from said boyfriend)

2) Jules needs a little pat on the head and seat in someone's lap so he can be explained the difference between justice and lynching. (YIKES!! From a blog titled "Short Ropes, Long Drops" - Love it!!)

3) Jules needs a post-op scan for the radiotherapist and surgeon to review. (Good Lord - I do??!)

4) Jules needs a change of scenery and will not be managing it in the future. (Fortune cookie?)

5) Jules needs to pull her shirt up - that's what i think. (I'm flattered - kind of. But, just FYI, I am not one of those "Girls with Low Self-Esteem" ...)

What does the Google "need" for you??

LINK ME!!!!!!!!

08 May 2007


So, to start off, let me inform all zero of you that read this blog that I was put on this earth as an UNORGANIZED soul. Just because I was put here this way doesn't mean that I function well in chaos. So, I'm confused.

Is it a cruel joke? The joke really isn't that funny - never has been.

Is it just to see if I can figure my way into organization? In my 34+ years I have yet to figure this out. I sit down to figure out how to organize something and can't even organize my thoughts enough to actually set about organizing my project - at all.

I need help in learning HOW TO ORGANIZE so that it will help things run more smoothly. At work, at home, in my head..... everywhere. Where's the class that teaches you this stuff? And why don't they have a course on it in every grade? Okay maybe not every grade but we had a section on filling out tax forms in government class in high school. Can't some other teacher take the time to teach a lesson on organizational skills?

Arrrrrggghhh! The self doubt rises up and takes hold! Such self-doubt, grasshopper, will get you NOWHERE.

And speaking of self-doubt, I'm supposed to run this 5K on Sat. morning and I honestly keep talking myself out of doing it. Not that I won't finish but I really want to do well. I know I'm not in the best shape to do it and my mile time is not where it should be to compete but shouldn't I just look at this as a step in the process of getting better? If I don't stop from time to time to measure, how am I going to honestly know how I'm doing?


I may already have the answer to this but, can someone tell what the good is in figuring out all of this good advice when I can't apply it and incorporate it into my life?

Answer: None.