19 November 2007

6mm Rice Shaped Niece/Nephew

Here it is folks!!! The first of many - I'm sure - sonogram pictures of my new niece/nephew.

I cannot wait to meet this little bundle of terror. I'm so sure that this one is going to be one of the most rambunctious people on the planet.... get ready Mom and Pops!

There's a girl in my office that's pretty intuitive when it comes to babies and pregnancy. She said that she thinks this baby is either going to be a boy or a very active girl. HA! Kinda goes with my thoughts on this too.

The other thing is that this baby is due on July 8th. Being of the Cancer sign myself, I know that this baby is in for one wild rollercoaster ride on the "feelings" train. I'm there for ya kid. You can come to me when Mom and Pops just don't get it - I probably will....

Listen up, Rice-kid, I love you already but you've GOT to stop making your Mom so nauseous. She's really feeling awful - all day every day. So just let up a bit... I'll pay you back later, believe me!

I love you!!!!

07 November 2007

Auntie J Is In The House!!!

Okay everyone.... hold on to your hats - I've got exciting news....

It's actually the most exciting news I've EVER had to share -


I'M AN AUNT!!!!!!!!

I swear I cannot wait until she has this baby. I am so excited....

I'll post more about it later - but I just HAD to let you know!!

An Open Letter To Flight Attendants

I think a new amendment should be added to the flight attendants' constitution.... If you are the attendant designated to do the pre-flight safety announcement - YOU MUST BE FUNNY.

We all know the spiel and it's boring.

We all need a good laugh right before take-off. If we aren't the person that's white-knuckling the armrest then that person is sitting right next to us. This person needs the benefit of laughter more than anyone else on the plane.

And for those of us that are experienced traveleres, we appreciate a good laugh. We've had to suffer through the same old crap flight after flight. Put some life into those old tired lines.

And how could you not benefit from laughter? Your audience is captive!! Take full advantage of the fact that we can't escape. Yeah, sure - some of us are listening to music instead of you. But YOU KNOW that when we see others laughing, we're going to pull those headphones off to find out what's gong on. And, I promise, we will laugh out loud.

Here's an example (just listen to the audio):

via videosift.com

We want it bad.

Real bad. (Disregard the horrible grammar....)

30 October 2007

Halloween Blood Drive

Hiya blog world....

Just a reminder that tomorrow is Halloween - and what better time to GIVE BLOOD!??! I mean, seriously people. Give blood on Halloween if on no other day of the year!! You're actually encouraged to eat cookies and candy and have a soda afterwards!

Just FYI, here are some of the criteria you have to meet in order to donate:
  • You must be healthy ("Healthy" means that you feel well and can perform normal activities.)
  • You must be at least 17 years old or 16 years old if allowed by state law.
  • You must weigh at least 110 pounds.
  • You must not have donated blood in the last 8 weeks (56 days) or a donation of double red cells in the last 16 weeks (111 days).

There are other criteria and you can read about them here....

Happy bloodletting everyone!!! Help save lives!!

29 October 2007

No I'm Not Dead.... Yet


No post since July.

And I'm still allowed to sign in.... thanks for not throwing me out yet, Blogger.

Though I have to say I'm ashamed of myself. I've had so much to write about too!! Let's see - what's happened since July.....

I shared my 35th birthday with my boyfriend (who turned 37 on the same day!) by having a huge party at our place!! So many people came - even my parents and sisters!! I was a very happy gal!!

Then, at the beginning of August, I went to the beach with my sister, her husband and their best friends. Though stitches were involved (by a surfboard to my brother-in-law's head) the week turned out great!!

I'm such a lucky girl!!! Then, I got to goto the beach with my two best beach friends!!! We go to a beach in NC on the same week every year. And this year we figured we've been doing this for at least the last 8 years!! Those boys make beach life so relaxing and restful. Always fun with dogs, stacks of good magazines and fantastic food - Frank is the BEST cook!!! But Frank was not going to cook every night this year so I was given a night where dinner was all mine!! And for not being a very knowledgable cook, I think I managed to pull of a very tasty seared tuna with a thai basil "salsa" on the top. The sweet potato fries with soy-ginger dipping sauce turned out pretty good too!

In September, I met my boyfriend out in California... my first trip to the west coast!! (Look ==>> the beau and I on Lombard!!) And I have to say thank you to everyone in San Francisco and Santa Cruz for being the best people to spend travel time around! We ended up having so much fun in San Francisco that we spent 2 days there. And then Santa Cruz, what a beauty!! I caught my first wave all by myself there!!! I'll never forget you O'Neill's @ Pleasure Point!!

Now, my boyfriend wants to move to California... we'll see.

At the beginning of October, I went up to my sister's place in Richmond, VA. Now, Halloween around those parts is an endeared time of year - as it should be. They produce the final scene on Richmond's Haunted Hayride. It's called Joe's Barbeque - by day it looks kinda pitiful. But as soon as the sun goes down, those woods get spooky. I watched them put on makeup and costumes, set up the scene and talk about the night before. I have to say I got a bit nervous when the first wagon was rolling up. But man, was that a hoot!! I'll explain the scene later with pictures...

But let me take a second here to say - if you EVER get the chance to watch a haunted house from behind the scenes - DO IT. It took me hours to stop laughing.

Now, my boyfriend has been trying to teach me the finer points of mountain biking. And as crappy a coach he was at surfing, he is completely the opposite at this. He's fantastic!! And I know I bitch a bit when I can't find a way to do what he tells me to as soon as he says it... but he doesn't get mad!! I'm having a blast - even though I'm limping from all the bruises at the moment. We went to DuPont State Forest this weekend and I bit the dirt so bad that I've got two solid bumps on my right leg with some nice dark purple bruising around them (I'll see if I can get some pictures...) and a nice cut from my pedal slamming into my left shin. Quite a walking freakshow I am at the moment. But the best part is that he says he's impressed. Impressed by how fast I'm picking this up, how I'm a workhorse at climbing, at how hard I'll work after a spill... And the thing that makes that comment the most impressive to me is not that he used to race but that he said it at all. I love him.

We'll be going to Tsali to ride some trails in a two weekends.... I just hope I can get this heap of bones and bruises on a bike by then.

Anyway, lunch is over and it's back to work.... I'll try to post some pictures soon! I've missed you guys!!

24 July 2007

Le Tour - Stage 15

And by the way - it looks like Disovery Channel Team is about to drop Levi as their lead rider and focus on Alberto Contador instead. I'm all for this - I just wish Big George Hincapie was doing better so he could finally get his time in the spotlight.


A Notice To All Spoiled Brats

OK - so, today's rant.....


I mean - yesterday Lindsay Lohan (henseforth known as L.Lo.) turns herself in for her drunken car wreckage that put her in rehab and she must not have gotten enough love down at the LAPD because today we find out that L.Lo. was arrested last night for drunk driving. (mugshot, right.) Not only that - but they found cocaine in her pocket...

I mean what the hell kind of ridiculous facility was it that she called REHAB? I'm beginning to think that all they did in there was stroke her hair everyday and feed her cookies. That's why she voluntarily stayed for 45 days. Who wouldn't?

The rehab she needs.... jailtime in genpop. This girl better find her ass in a jail cell soon. She's shown that she doesn't know what's good for her so I'm here to tell her... Just like everyone else in this country, if you're going to do the crime, you've got to do the time. C'mon down here and let me take you to a backwoods police dept... Better yet, I wish she and her stupid troop of trogloditic yahoos would go to Thailand on vacation and pull this kind of crap. It'd be a dream come true to see if L.Lo. survives in a facility like the one in the movie Brokedown Palace.

**deep breath**

I don't know why I bother to look for this "news". And when I find it, I'm not sure why it bothers me so much. I'm wanting to go and punch this stupid waste of blood and "brains" right in her cake-hole. And I'm not really of a violent nature. But she'd be a great dummy to practice jiu-jitsu moves on.

(I just had a lovely daydream where I have her in an armbar and the bone snaps amid her screams. I look at her, shrug my shoulders and with a sheepish look on my face I say, "You didn't tap.")

15 July 2007

NutmegNine[Blog]: Tour de France Stage 8: "Borat" silences Liggett and Sherwen

NutmegNine[Blog]: Tour de France Stage 8: "Borat" silences Liggett and Sherwen#links

Okay - so the Tour de France started last week... I don't normally watch as much as I have been watching this year. But, I guess when you live with your cycling boyfriend and you only have one TV, it's a "given" that daily coverage is going to be watched.

I've actually been having a good time watching this year. But I have to say that the best part - aside from any breakaway action - has to be the comments from the main two commentators, Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen...

Today, though, the award for capturing my attention goes to "Borat".
He actually came out to the race in his favorite yellow outfit to show his support for the riders.

I have to give props to a fellow Greensborian for being the first person I found on the Google to post the picture.

NutmegNine - you rock!!

11 July 2007

The Ramblings of a Sassy Blonde: The Wisdom Of The Universe

The Ramblings of a Sassy Blonde: The Wisdom Of The Universe#links

Can I say how distraught I am about Sassy not getting the new position at the new school?? I was really looking forward to the hilariously transcribed interactions with new assclown teachers who were going to put the speedbumps in her raceday.

I love reading your blog, Sassy!! And I hope this year is smooth as glass - but still full of good stories!!!

28 June 2007


And yes, I'm referring to myself.....

I saw this link over at Sassy's page and thought I'd give it a go.

Online Dating

How disappointing :(

I guess I haven't gotten quite angry enough in any of these postings to cuss as freely as I do in the car.... hmmmmmm...

26 June 2007

Guido Tutorial

Hi everyone! I actually had someone tell me the other day that they did not know what a "guido" was.

After picking up my jaw from the floor, I kind of stumbled around with words like "clubbing" "from Jersey" "tan" "gel-spiked hair"....

And then I go to my brother-in-law's live journal page and beheld the most perfect picture of "How to Build Your Own Guido". And with great pleasure I provide to you....

(click picture to enlarge)

09 June 2007

Where Does the Law Stop and Lawlessness Begin?

Why are cops the absolute WORST drivers out on the road? I don't get it. I was on the way home from work yesterday when I saw one of North Carolina's keepers-of-justice in a big damn hurry. Now, I cannot stand people who are too lazy to use a turn signal anyway.... (It's called a signal for a reason - I need to know what kind of crazy stunt you're going to pull BEFORE you do it.) BUT this guy was crazily switching lanes trying to get out ahead of the group he was stuck in.

Isn't this why the police cars are equipped with lights and sirens? I mean, I saw the lights attached to the top of his car.... was there a short to every single light on his car? Doubt it.

I think he's one of those asshats (thanks for the word Katherine!) who powertrips on his badge. You know, the tough guys who try to intimidate you the second they pull you over. All they've done is, say, pulled you over for speeding. But they're talking to you like you're a serial killer on the Most Wanted List.

So, not only was he a signal-less driver, he was also SPEEDING!!! He finally got out of the geriatric group of drivers we were in and he took off like Speed Racer!!

So, let me get this straight - the people who are designated to uphold laws are allowed to break the same laws?? How is this supposed to be fair?

From now on, I'm going to slap any kid who says that a cop is his/her hero. Hard.

23 May 2007

Jules needs to write another post is what Jules needs...

Okay, so I was over at Friend Carmen's blog and I saw this cool idea I thought I'd get in on... Go to Google and type in your first name and then the word "needs" after it and see what comes up. My very first thought of course, is that what I need to do is put up another post at my unread, virgin blog....

{{AND WHEN I LOG IN THERE ARE 2 COMMENTS FROM PEOPLE I DON'T EVEN KNOW!!!! Whoa, either the word's getting out there about this totally awesome web log or my posts and their labels are just so incredibly thought provoking that people are actually out there looking for my mind's diarrhea, a.k.a. - posts.}}

So anyway, since I've got 2 names that I'm called on a regular basis (not ugly name-calling names) I thought I'd Google what each name needs:


1) Meet Julie Who Needs An Early Start. (**ping** - that was a hammer hitting a nail on the head)

2) Julie Needs Your Help! (But the list is too long to get into here.... maybe next post)

3) Julie needs to work on her parenting. (This is one of the reasons I have not birthed any children yet.)

4) Julie needs a new pair of Shoes.... (I cannot think of a truer statement!)

5) Julie needs to get out in the fresh Eire more. (I don't think I could get out into it any more than I am - as long as Eire means air.)

6) Julie needs a(nother) new home. (I think my boyfriend wrote this one after our figurative knock-down, drag-out last weekend.)


1) Jules needs a hug. (especially from said boyfriend)

2) Jules needs a little pat on the head and seat in someone's lap so he can be explained the difference between justice and lynching. (YIKES!! From a blog titled "Short Ropes, Long Drops" - Love it!!)

3) Jules needs a post-op scan for the radiotherapist and surgeon to review. (Good Lord - I do??!)

4) Jules needs a change of scenery and will not be managing it in the future. (Fortune cookie?)

5) Jules needs to pull her shirt up - that's what i think. (I'm flattered - kind of. But, just FYI, I am not one of those "Girls with Low Self-Esteem" ...)

What does the Google "need" for you??

LINK ME!!!!!!!!

08 May 2007


So, to start off, let me inform all zero of you that read this blog that I was put on this earth as an UNORGANIZED soul. Just because I was put here this way doesn't mean that I function well in chaos. So, I'm confused.

Is it a cruel joke? The joke really isn't that funny - never has been.

Is it just to see if I can figure my way into organization? In my 34+ years I have yet to figure this out. I sit down to figure out how to organize something and can't even organize my thoughts enough to actually set about organizing my project - at all.

I need help in learning HOW TO ORGANIZE so that it will help things run more smoothly. At work, at home, in my head..... everywhere. Where's the class that teaches you this stuff? And why don't they have a course on it in every grade? Okay maybe not every grade but we had a section on filling out tax forms in government class in high school. Can't some other teacher take the time to teach a lesson on organizational skills?

Arrrrrggghhh! The self doubt rises up and takes hold! Such self-doubt, grasshopper, will get you NOWHERE.

And speaking of self-doubt, I'm supposed to run this 5K on Sat. morning and I honestly keep talking myself out of doing it. Not that I won't finish but I really want to do well. I know I'm not in the best shape to do it and my mile time is not where it should be to compete but shouldn't I just look at this as a step in the process of getting better? If I don't stop from time to time to measure, how am I going to honestly know how I'm doing?


I may already have the answer to this but, can someone tell what the good is in figuring out all of this good advice when I can't apply it and incorporate it into my life?

Answer: None.

18 April 2007

Stupid Signal-less NC Drivers!!!

Okay - I've always had an issue with the fact that most drivers in NC have no clue how or when to use their turn signals. Most of them probably don't even know they exist!! Let me rant for a minute....

It's called a "signal" for a reason. You are to use it to signal your intent to others around you. ALL OTHERS (pedestrians included)- not just other vehicles. Vehicles don't come equipped with them "just 'cause"!!! The fact that they must work in order to pass your state vehicle inspection should tell you that YOU HAVE TO USE THEM!!!!! It simply allows for all traffic to flow more smoothly. SAFETY, people, SAFETY!!!!

So, this morning - like most mornings, I'm behind yet another signal-less driver. This Mo-Mo is also one of those the-painted-lines-on-the-road-weren't-put-there-for-me types of drivers. So he's weaving in and out of traffic, which actually turns out to be useless for him because at the next light I end up behind him again. I look at the bumper sticker he has up at the top of his rear window and it reads "U.S. ARMY - SIGNAL CORPS".

My question is - do you think they kicked him out of the army because he couldn't signal worth a damn? Or maybe he's depleted of signal making ability since he did it so much in the army?

Whatever the reason, I still daydreamed of him getting pulled over. And then I had another one of him losing control of his mid-sized SUV and hurtling over a cliff. Ahhhhhhh - much better now.

14 March 2007


I'm really glad I'm nowhere NEAR being famous.... have you seen the Olsen twins lately? Check this out from "The Superficial".....



26 February 2007


OMG - I am SO tired. ithink I slept a total of 2+ hours last night. I'm SO stressed out that I can't even calm my mind when I'm exhausted!!

Zach and I didn't stop all weekend!! We were on the go from the moment we left the counselor's office last friday. We went straight from there to Boone where we went snowboarding at Hawksnest until midnight. Saturday we're up and on the go, getting a storage unit for all of our "antiques" and then moving stuff from both of our houses into it. Then, since it rained on Sunday we set up ONE room in the house. ONE. The office. And by set up I mean not decorated. The computer is on a desk and it's running. An overstuffed chair and a table are placed. A bookshelf has books on it. And I'm exhausted.

Next, I have to go through the pantry at Zach's. I still have stuff at my house but that's just going to have to wait until Wednesday. Can I get it all done? I think that's why I can't sleep!!! I just keep running through everything that needs to be done and packed and unpacked and organized.....

We made a list of all the things that have to be done and that did NOT help. The only thing that did was make me feel like there is never going to be an end to all that we have to do. This REALLY sucks. I'm just going to have to take some Tylenol PM tonight and pray that the dog doesn't wake me up - for anything!!

If someone is hogging all of the magical organizing elves... I'm sorry but your time is up. It's time to send them on their whistling-while -they-work way. I NEED them. For my sanity please! I need to see an end to all of this - or else I'm going to lose it. I just hope I don't go all Britney on myself. I spent a lot of money on this hair and I actually like it.

21 February 2007


I just cannot believe how crazy life can get. One minute things are running smoothly, life is balanced at "even keel" and I'm thinking that I'm on an upswing. Then the sky comes crashing down around me...

I've been in the process of moving in with my boyfriend, so with space tightening and stuff piling and time running out - we're at each other's throats (figuratively, please). Then two weeks ago, at the height of moving agony, I find out that my bosses are firing two people. When we already know that we have our accountant leaving the following week. AND next week our vice president/controller is relocating to Colorado. We're going to be down to 4 people and a temp running the whole she-bang!! So, I'm taking over one of the jobs (logistics based) and I have no idea how this lady did ANYTHING!!! Her office was a wreck! And the only person she had checking her work, was the accountant that just left. So, I'm stuck in this mess trying to figure out how to do this job while I have no idea where she was in any of her orders. It's all so confusing, I confuse myself when I try to explain it. For both of our sakes, I'll stop here.

I'm doin' my best to wing it - I just hope everyone is very open to the fact that there's someone new starting from scratch and help to figure out what I'm supposed to be doing. No time or room for any JERKS in this girl's life!!!

So, everybody, just hope and pray that I don't break down. I'm a pretty strong individual so I'm fairly certain that I will.

Just make sure there are only positive and healthy bumps in this girl's path for a while!!

Positive note: At least the weather's going to stay in the 60's for the rest of the week!!!

09 February 2007

Fun with Friend Brad

So, we find out yesterday that Anna Nicole Smith has died.... on the one hand, I'm sad for the fact that one woman had so much turmoil in her life that it led to whatever eventually killed her (stress, drugs, etc...). But on the other hand, the way her life DID go ..... I'm still waiting for this to happen (thanks for the giggle, Brad):


Anna Nicole Smith Rises From Dead, Eats Flesh of the Living
In a stunning development, Reality TV star and former Playboy playmate Anna Nicole Smith was pronounced dead Thursday, only to rise again to begin attacking and biting hospital employees, a law enforcement source told CNN. Hospital officials are reporting that Smith has eaten several employee’s brains and that bullets cannot stop her bloody rampage.