30 October 2007

Halloween Blood Drive

Hiya blog world....

Just a reminder that tomorrow is Halloween - and what better time to GIVE BLOOD!??! I mean, seriously people. Give blood on Halloween if on no other day of the year!! You're actually encouraged to eat cookies and candy and have a soda afterwards!

Just FYI, here are some of the criteria you have to meet in order to donate:
  • You must be healthy ("Healthy" means that you feel well and can perform normal activities.)
  • You must be at least 17 years old or 16 years old if allowed by state law.
  • You must weigh at least 110 pounds.
  • You must not have donated blood in the last 8 weeks (56 days) or a donation of double red cells in the last 16 weeks (111 days).

There are other criteria and you can read about them here....

Happy bloodletting everyone!!! Help save lives!!

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